Corporate Governance


The Board takes shareholders’ interests as its priority in maintaining and growing a successful development of business so as to achieve consistent long-term financial returns. The Board is responsible for formulating the management direction of Get Nice Financial Group Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) and are managed in such a way as to achieve this objective. The Board’s responsibility is, firstly, to formulate strategy of the Group and, secondly, to monitor and implement operating and financial performance in pursuit of the Group’s strategic objectives.

The Board has established an Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and Nomination Committee to ensure proper reporting and uphold corporate governance

Audit Committee


  • Ng Yau Kuen, Carmen 


  • Cheung Chi Kong
  • Chan Ka Kit
Nomination Committee


  • Ng Yau Kuen, Carmen


  • Cheung Chi Kong
  • Chan Ka Kit
  • Hung Hon Man
Remuneration Committee


  • Ng Yau Kuen, Carmen


  • Cheung Chi Kong
  • Chan Ka Kit
  • Hung Hon Man